Evergreen Heights Elementary PTA

Auburn, WA

Volunteer Sign-Up

Please click on the survey below to tell us you are interested in volunteering! Thank you!!!!

Volunteer Resources



Welcome! Volunteering is a great way to get to know other parents, the school, and help your child have an enriching experience at Evergreen Heights! Thank you for your interest! Here's some information that might help, but don't be intimidated by process. Please fill out our survey, attend a meeting or get in touch using one of the methods on our Contacts page to get started.


School Volunteering vs PTA Volunteering:

Because the PTA is a separate organization from the school, PTA volunteering has different rules than the volunteer process for the school. However, they often overlap.


Anyone volunteering with students during the school day, for example, must go through the orientation and background check for being a Auburn School District volunteer.


The process for becoming a school volunteer can be found here: https://www.auburn.wednet.edu/Page/1115


We recommend that our volunteers do this, because it ensures that we have a solid base of volunteers who can jump in to help at any and all events, and it is required for helping out with events during the school day.


Stage 1 - What's Coming Up? The earliest stage, regarding which events are upcoming to plan, might begin behind the scenes with PTA board members discussing what to add to the agenda for the following PTA meeting. We incorporate ideas from the PTA community, and anything that came up in previous meetings, into our agenda planning.

Stage 2 - Forming The Planning Committee. Our first call for volunteers happens the first time we bring up an event at PTA meetings. At this stage we also sometimes send a signup survey through our Remind app group (Join with Code: @HG72K4B or text “join” to 81010). Those who are interested form "the planning committee". Typically there is one person in charge of each event, who coordinates everyone else. The planning committee then has their own additional meetings, because our usual PTA meetings aren't long enough to hold planning conversations, though typically at least one person from the planning committee is present to give updates at the PTA meetings.

Stage 3 - Asking for Additional Volunteers. As the planning gets further along, we typically give a larger call for volunteers to the wider community, through PeachJar or flyers going home with students. The volunteers who sign up at this stage aren't usually involved in planning but might be asked to help with prep, cleanup, or staffing the event.


Stage 4 - The Event is Underway! With whatever help we have, we make the event happen! Sometimes we have barely enough help, and other times, we have plenty. We make do with whatever we have, and have fun doing it! Even if you weren't involved in anything early on, you are welcome to approach anyone at the event and offer to help. If nothing else, we can usually use help with cleanup. We're also just happy you showed up! Thank you!


Volunteers are welcomed to jump in at any stage! Please ask us to get you in touch with whoever is currently planning an event, or let us know what future event you want to be involved in. Contacting us directly, or speaking up at a PTAmeeting to mention you want to help is the best way to get on our radar.



ASD Approved Volunteer: To volunteer for the school, or for the PTA during the school day on school grounds, it is required that you complete the process of being an approved volunteer with the school. Visit this page to begin that process: Auburn School District Volunteering